Effect of Magnetic Field on Optical Density of Distilled Water


Mykhailenko Volodymyr H.ORCID, ,Lukianov Yevhen F.ORCID,Lukianova Olha I.ORCID,Vitkovska Tamara S.ORCID,Khinievich Oleksandr Ye.ORCID, , , ,


Water is considered as the working fluid of wet steam turbine units. The importance of a purposeful change in the thermophysical properties of water used for energy needs is indicated. A reagent-free method (transverse magnetic field of permanent magnets) of influence on water is proposed. Literature data on currently available papers dedicated to the study of water properties is presented. It is shown that the mechanisms of influence of external physical fields on the physicochemical and thermophysical properties of water have not been elucidated as of now. It is emphasized that the properties of distilled water during exposure and after exposure to physical fields are even less studied. The currently existing contradictions between theoretical ideas about the properties of water and experimental results are considered. It was found that currently there are no correct methods and equipment capable of indicating changes in water properties in real time. As a solution, the equipment and method of analyzing the optical density of distilled water is proposed. The shortcomings of most existing experimental works on the study of the influence of physical fields on the optical density of water are analyzed. The requirements for devices intended for measuring the optical density of distilled water are formulated. A stand was made and experimental work on the study of the dependence of the optical density of distilled water on the induction of a magnetic field that affects it was carried out. It is proved that the magnetic field affects the optical density of distilled water in the infrared range of wavelengths both in the direction of increase (4.1%) and in the direction of decrease (1.7%) depending on the induction of the magnetic field and the speed of water flow through the working section of magnetization device. A hypothesis explaining the obtained result is proposed.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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