On usage of the neural network technologies in the it- structure components’ diagnosing.


,O. SavchukORCID,O. MorgalORCID,


The idea of using neural network technologes to prove electrophysical diagnostic methods based on the integral physical effects of IT structure components is considered. It is proposed to transform the received information using a discrete Karhunen-Loeve expansion, which gives the minimum root mean square error of packing a priory vectors in multidimensional space. The use of neural networks: MLP, self-organizing (Kohonen Maps) and RBF in MATLAB environment is verified. The best result for microcircuits was obtained using probabilistic RBF-neural networks. A new neural network approach to diagnostics made it possible to perform individual sorting of elements and ststistical evaluation of the IT structure components batch.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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