The article proposes a cryptosystem with symmetric keys, where the keys are functions of a real variable. These functions can be either continuous or discrete and must satisfy certain constraints. The number of key functions is determined by the number of binary digits that encode a character in the ASCII table. Each binary digit has its own key function. The cipher of a character is represented by a one-dimensional array of real numbers. These numbers are obtained by summing the key functions, which correspond to “1” in the ASCII code of the character. The amplitudes of these functions are random and unknown to the receiving party. Decryption is a multi-level process, in which integral disproportion functions are calculated at each level. To increase the cryptographic strength, the encryption/decryption process involves a permutation of the key-functions according to a secret scheme agreed upon by both parties. Computer simulation has demonstrated the high cryptographic resistance of the proposed system to the determination of the coefficients within the key functions, as well as to the rearrangement of the key functions themselves. It is shown that adjacent identical symbols in an encrypted message have different ciphers, which also complicates hacking the system.
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)
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