Capoeta svanetica (Teleostei, Cyprinidae), a New Species from the Luchunis River (Rioni River Drainage) in Georgia


Roman A.,Afanasyev S.ORCID,Golub O.,Lietytska O.ORCID


Recent Georgia’s fish fauna includes four Capoeta species: C. capoeta (Kura River basin), C. kaput (Araxes River and its left tributaries, the Akhuryan and Mezamor rivers), C. sieboldii (East and South–East Black Sea river basins), and C. banarescuii (Chorokh River basin). Based on morphological data analysis new species of the genus Capoeta — C. svanetica sp. n. is described. It is more similar to the Capoeta damascina complex group (Anatolian–Iranian group) which also includes C. banarescui, C. baliki, and C. sieboldii spread at East and South-East Black Sea coastal rivers. The Anatolian–Iranian group, also known as small-scales species group well distinguished from Aral-Caspian species (C. capoeta and C. kaput in Georgia) by highest scales number in lateral line. C. svanetica sp. n. is distinguished from other Capoeta species of Black Sea basin rivers in Georgia and adjacent waters by combination of characters: two pairs of barbels are present (C. sieboldii and C. oguzelii have one barbels pair); no spots on the body (C. oguzelii has small black spots); lower lip has keratinised edge without fringe (C. sieboldii and C. oguzelii are characterized by fringed lips); scales small, 70–74 total lateral line scales (in C. sieboldii only 52–60 scales); 10–12 scale rows above lateral line (C. banarescui, C. baliki and C. oguzelii have more than 12 scale rows) and 7–8 scale rows below lateral line (C. baliki and C. oguzelii have more than 10 scale rows); 12–15 gill rakers on the first gill arch (C. sieboldii and C. baliki have more then 16); last unbranched fin ray soft, serrae number on it is 7–9 in adult and 0 in juvenile samples (all other Capoeta species of Black Sea basin rivers have well ossified last unbranched ray with high serrae number); anal fin base length is only 7.4–9.4 % of SL (more shorter than C. banarescui, C. baliki and also C. tinca); as well as mouth width (25.4–29.4 % of HL); eye diameter (19.0–28.7 % of HL) is biggest than same in C. banarescui, C. baliki and also C. tinca.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)


Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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