1. Blenko M.W. The Decision-Driven Organization - M.W.Blenko, M.Mankins, P.Rogers / Harvard Business Review. - 2010. - Is. 6. [Electronic resourse]. Mode of access: https://hbr.org/2010/06/the-decision-driven-organization.
2. Renn O. Coping with complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity. The risk governance approach / O.Renn - NSF-DFG Joint Risk Meeting, Washington, D.C., Oct. 3-5, 2012. - 33 p.
3. Pisano G.P. Creating an R&D Strategy / G.P. Pisano - 2012. [Electronic resourse]. Mode of access: http:www.hbs.edu/facultyPublication %20Files// 12-095_fb1bdf97-e0ec-4a82-b7c0-42279dd4d00e.pdf.
4. ISO 31000:2018 Risk management - Guidelines. - 16p.
5. Analysis Support Guide for Risk-Based Stra-tegic Planning. / Technical Report STO-TR-SAS-093-Part-I - 2018, STO/NATO. - 156 p.