Algological investigations at Odessa University in 1965–2015. Formation school of Prof. I.I. Pogrebnyak


Kuznetsov V.O., ,Tkachenko F.P.,


Тhe modern period of development of algological researches at Odesa University is analyzed. It is noted that the creation of a scientific school under the leadership of prof. І.І. Pogrebnyak gave impetus to the renewed interest of the scientific community in the study of the algae of the Black Sea, its estuaries and some freshwater bodies of southern Ukraine. These studies covered benthic and planktonic groups of algae, as well as their individual systematic groups, including blue-green, diatomaceous, cryptophytic, dinophytic, green, red, and brown. Attention was paid to the possible practical use of algae in ecology, agriculture and medicine. I.I. Pogrebnyak's research was continued by his students, doctors of biological sciences Prof. Guslyakov M.O., Maslov I.I., Tkachenko F.P. and dozens of young scientists, already their students.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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