1. Fryungel F. Pulse technique. Generation and application of capacitor discharges. Moskva: Nauka, 1970. 320 p. (Rus).
2. Livshits A.L., Otto M.Sh. Pulse electrical engineering. Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1983. 352 p. (Rus)
3. Lazarenko B.R., Lazarenko N.I. Physics of the electrospark method of metal processing. Moskva: TsBTI MEP, 1946. 76 p. (Rus)
4. Zolotykh B.N. Physical foundations of electrospark processing of metals. Moskva: Gostekhizdat, 1953. 108 p. (Rus)
5. Yutkin L.A. Electro-hydraulic effect. Moskva-Leningrad: Mashgiz, 1955. 50 p. (Rus)