A mathematical model is proposed for the calculation of electromagnetic parameters of magnetoelectric machines using an analytical method. Permanent magnets are abstracted as equivalent solenoids with constant current represented as current loops. The model differs from known models by the presence of double linear current loops in the stator for the analysis of magnetoelectric machines with a two-layer winding. Additionally, the proposed model considers linear current loops of equivalent solenoids instead of point current loops for a more accurate calculation. The current loops of the stator and rotor are defined at the boundaries of the air gap of the electric machine, i.e., on the smooth slotless surfaces of the magnetic cores. The current loops are expressed for the first time as a product of three variables: current strength, linear current density coefficient, and spatial distribution coefficient. The inductance of stator slots and the resistance of the winding are taken into account using known analytical expressions from classical electric machine theory. The rotor rotation frequency is presented as a function of time. For magnetoelectric machines of specified dimensions and a given variable rotor rotation frequency, the distribution of magnetic field induction, vector magnetic potential, currents, winding spatial distribution coefficients, and electric field intensity of permanent magnets are calculated using the mathematical model. References 7, table 1, figures 4.
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)
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