1. Shidlovskii A.K., Shcherba A.A., Zolotaryov V.M., Podoltsev A.D., Kucheriava I.M. Extra-high voltage cables with polymer insulation. Kyiv: Institute of Electrodynamics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 2013. 550 p. (Rus)
2. Electrical power cable engineering. Third Edition. Ed. by W.A. Thue, CRC Press, 2011, 460 p.
3. Private Joint-Stock Company «Yuzhcable Works». URL: https://www.yuzhcable.info//lang/en (accessed at 22.04.2024). (Rus)
4. Guiding technical material on the construction, testing and operation of modern extra-high-voltage power cable lines. Kharkiv: Maidan, 2017. 64 p. (Rus)
5. Zolotaryov V.M. Plant «Yuzhcable works»: milestones of the road (75 years to Plant «Yuzhcable works»). Elektrotekhnika I Elektromekhanika, 2018, No. 5, p. 12-16. (Rus)