1. 1. Dospekhov, B.A. (1985). Field Experience Method. Moskow: Agropromizdat [in Russian].
2. 2. The international classifier of the CMEA of the genus Hordeum L. (1983). Leningrad [in Russian].
3. 3. Guidelines for the diagnosis and methods of field assessment of the resistance of barley to pathogens of leaf spot. (1987). Lenyngrad-Pushkin [in Russian].
4. 4. Kobyilyanskiy, V.D. (Ed.) (1981). Guidelines for the study of the world collection of barley and oats. Leningrad [in Russian].
5. 5. Methods of breeding and assessing the resistance of wheat and barley to diseases in the CMEA member countries (1988). Praga [in Russian].