Program determination of the low frequency geomagnetic field and their influence on biological objects.


Yu. GorgoORCID, ,A Razumovskiy,


The program of computations of spectrum of the geomagnetical field is developed. It was confirmed, that the most values of tension of the geomagnetical field at magnetic storms arise up on frequencies below 1 Hz. On the basis of an algorithm developed the characteristics of the super low-frequency geomagnetic field at the frequency range < 1 Hz are calculated. The analysis at frequencies 0.1, 0.5, 0.01, 0.05, 0.001, 0.0001 Hz allows to reveal the largest intensity of the low-frequency geomagnetic field at 0.0001 Hz. Its oscillation rate is most sensitive for biological organisms to the magnetic storm occurrence. Some examples of influencing of low frequency fluctuations of the geomagnetical field on biological objects are considered. The ways of their computations are given. Biological objects which can possess sensitiveness to influences of the weak magnetic fields are considered. The results obtained are used to consider some aspects of the mechanism of the low-frequency geomagnetic field influence on biological objects.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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