1. Protocol № 1 of the workshop of participants of the Ukrainian-Lithuanian project «Ornamentation of West Ukrainian and Lithuanian Folk Textile: Universal and Unique Parameters» (2018, January 23). Archive of the Folk Art Department [in Ukrainian].
2. The Ethnology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine together with specialists from Lithuania began work on the implementation of the research project «Ornamentation of West Ukrainian and Lithuanian Folk Textile: Universal and Unique Parameters» (2018, February 2) from the website of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: http://www.nas.gov.ua/UA/Messages/ News/Pages/View.aspx?MessageID=3746 [in Ukrainian].
3. Kutsyr, T. (2018, February 1) Ukrainian-Lithuanian project «Ornamentation of West Ukrainian and Lithuanian Folk Textile: Universal and Unique Parameters» from the website of the Ethnology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: http://ethnology.lviv.ua/ ua/news_details/0/72.html [in Ukrainian].
4. Ukrainian-Lithuanian project «Ornamentation of West Ukrainian and Lithuanian Folk Textile: Universal and Unique Parameters» (2018-2019) started in Lviv (2018, January 29) from the website of the Press service of Lviv City Council: http://city-adm.lviv.ua/news/science-and-health/ science/245622-ukrainsko-lytovskyi-proekt-ornamentyka-etnohrafichnoho-tekstyliu-zakhidnoi-ukrainy-ta-lytvy-universalni-i-unikalni-parametry-2018-2019-rr-startuvav-u-lvovi [in Ukrainian].
5. Shpulyar, U. (2018, January 17) Lviv will hold its first working meeting on the implementation of the two-year Ukrainian-Lithuanian grant «Ornamentation of West Ukrainian and Lithuanian Folk Textile: Universal and Unique Parameters» from the website of the Press service of Lviv City Council: http://city-adm.lviv.ua/news/science-and-health/science/245316-u-lvovi-tryvatyme-persha-robocha-zustrich-shchodo-realizatsii-dvorichnoho-ukrainsko-lytovskoho-hrantu-ornamentyka-etnohrafichnoho-tekstyliu-zakhidnoi-ukrainy-ta-lytvy-universalni-i-unikalni-parametry [in Ukrainian].