Creation and Modeling of a Robotic Cell to Prepare Drilling Tools Using Waam Additive Manufacturing Technology


,Dolynenko V.V.,Shapovalov E.V., ,Kolyada V.A.,


The development and modeling procedure of a robotic cell that uses the electric arc surfacing technique to manufacture a technological drilling tool using WAAM ("Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing") additive manufacturing technology is shown. The goal of this endeavor is to draft suggestions and technical specifications for an actual WAAM robotic system. The writ-ers have focused their attention on two areas: 1) The kinematic scheme and tool movement tra-jectory of the welding robot are developed and modeled; 2) The MIG/MAG surfacing process in the drilling tool fabrication is mathematically modeled. The "FANUC RoboGuide" software program was used to develop the robotic site’s simulation model. Mathematical modeling of the surfacing process covers the development and research of a finite-element thermomechani-cal model of the layer-by-layer electric arc surfacing process in the implementation of the WAAM technology for the production of a drilling auger with a drilling diameter of 400 mm and a working length of 2 m. The obtained results of the work allowed us to reasonably pre-pare the technical requirements for the composition and nomenclature of the robotic section, as well as for MIG/MAG surfacing modes.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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