Study of the interaction of infrared transparent ZnSe, ZnS, Si, Ge materials with metal melts


Krasovska N. O., ,Krasovskyy V. P.,


Wetting of infrared-transparent materials — selenide and sulfide zinc, germanium, and silicon by metal melts in a vacuum in a wide temperature range was studied by the sessile drop method using the method of capillary purification of the drop melt during the experiment. Pure metals In, Sn, Pb, Al, Fe, Ni, binary Al—Si, Ge—Si, In—Cu and multicomponent In—Sn—Cu—Ti alloys were used. When zinc chalcogenides are wetted with In—Sn—Cu—Ti melts, zinc selenide is wetted better than zinc sulfide. This is due to the lower thermodynamic stability of selenide. In systems where copper is present in melts, wetting is affected not only by the interaction of selenium or sulfur with titanium, but also by the interaction of copper and zinc (in the copper-zinc system, solid solutions of copper and zinc are formed and copper dissolves in solid zinc). This conclusion also confirms the wetting of the substrate by the In—Cu melt. The values of the contact angle at 650 C are equal to 32, which is less than for the In—Sn—Ti melt at the same temperature. It can be said that for such a system, the interaction of zinc with copper is very important, which is not inferior to the wetting effect of the interaction of chalcogens with titanium. The wetting of single crystals of germanium and silicon by metal melts improves with increasing temperature. Iron and nickel wet silicon (contact angles close to zero) at temperatures lower than their melting point. Contact melting also occurs when silicon substrates are wetted with aluminum melts (the eutectic in the Al—Si system has a temperature of 577 °C). Germanium is better wetted by tin than by indium and lead. Technological processes of soldering infrared transparent materials with metals were developed and soldered joints were obtained. Keywords: infrared transparent materials, polycrystalline zinc selenide and sulfide, single crystals of germanium and silicon, wetting, soldering.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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