The results of the study of legal problems, which are relevant for ensuring the long-term sustainability of space activities, the course of which has been declared by the UN as a guide, are highlighted. Legal relations are singled out, which on the one hand, allow revitalizing of the commercial component of the space industry of the domestic economy, and on the other — contribute to the establishment of responsible, sustainable behaviour of all subjects of space activity on a global scale. From this point of view, the specific problems of public-private partnership in the space industry are considered, proposals are put forward regarding the legal model for the regulation of remote sensing of the Earth, challenges to international and national law in connection with cyber threats to space activities, including the use of blockchain technology, are emphasized, the international legal problems of regulating the extraction of space resources from the point of view of ensuring the sustainability of this activity and the need to develop legal mechanisms, norms, and principles of responsible human behaviour in space are accentuated. As a result of the study, the following were proposed: 1) legal means of liberalizing the participation of state-owned enterprises as subjects and not objects of public-private partnerships, 2) a model for the regulation of relations to provide Ukraine with EO data, including through public procurement by the National Space Facilities Сontrol and Test Center, 3) international legal and national legal mechanisms for combating cyber threats to space activities, 4) rules that should be developed to regulate activities for the extraction of space resources, as well as 5) rules for ensuring responsible behaviour in space.
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)
Space and Planetary Science,Aerospace Engineering
Reference62 articles.
1. 1. About public-private partnership. Law of Ukraine dated 1.07.2010 (as amended).
2. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2404-17#Text (Last accessed: 09.09.2022).
3. 2. Allégations de Génocide au Titre de la Convention pour la Prévention et la Répression du Crime de Génocide (Ukraine c. fédération de russie). 16 mars 2022, Ordonnance.
4. URL: https://www.icj-cij.org/public/files/case-related/182/182-20220316-ORD-0... (Last accessed: 09.09.2022).
5. 3. A/RES/76/231 30. Prevention of an arms race in outer space: reducing space threats through norms, rules and principles of responsible