Quality of Life: Budgetary Ballast or a Necessary Government Programe




The aim of the study is to determine the risks, challenges and threats caused by the genetic liability, environmental conditions and living environment, to establish the importance of their impact on the quality of life in Ukraine, to develop a methodological approach to their assessment and to develop a set of measures within the context of the spatial regeneration of the national socio-economic system under conditions of the military aggression of the Russian Federation and in the postwar period. The research is based on information from open sources, expert opinions, data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the data base of the World Health Organization, on results presented in medical, demographic and economic monographic studies and the materials included in sample surveys. Systemic approach and analysis methods, sociological, genetic population, statistical, comparative analysis, generalizations and expert evaluations were utilized. It has been recognized that factors such as genetic burden and environmental conditions and the environment of life have increased the impact on the quality of life of the population of Ukraine, the effect of which has determined the requirements for societal, demographic, organizational-economic, medical-social and socio-political response to threatening events. Awareness of demographic determinism, general laws and modern economic trends in the formation of the quality of life in the country in the conditions of military aggression of the Russian Federation allowed: a) to form a complex of medical and genetic, social, public and state mechanisms and measures to ensure it; b) specify the negative factors of the spatial evolution of the socio-economic system, which determined the need to take into account the medical and genetic reserves and opportunities and develop measures to eliminate the destructive influence of environmental conditions and living environment in the course of solving the demographic and socio-economic problems of the state; c) propose a medical-genetic concept of quality of life and living environment, the implementation of which will enable the generation of a healthy heritage (physical and psychological), will allow to form potential and build up reserves for improving the quality of life. Taking into account resource limitations and the presence of threats and risks in the internal environment, medical genetic counseling and testing, the creation of satisfactory environmental conditions along with a living environment become necessary levers in the recovery of Ukraine. The constitution and importance of the impact of quality of life factors for Ukraine have been updated: heredity (32.0 %); environmental conditions and living environment (32.0 %); nature of the life and lifestyle of the individual (26.0 %); quality of medical care and socio-economic factors (10.0 %). Systemic conditions for the regeneration of the demographic and economic situation, improvement of the quality of life and well-being to proceed with the development of a healthy society have been formulated. A model for assessing the quality of life has been developed, enhancing the methodological approach in assessing the economic equivalent of the value of living, which also involves calculatiing the economic profit of the state from the preserved working capacity of a person as a result of successful treatment / prevention of a genetic anomaly. This becomes the basis for: substantiating the economic effectiveness of medical and genetic care and other treatment and preventive measures for patients with genetic pathologies; rationalization of pension payments; development of a new social policy. The practical significance of the results becomes the basis to improve: the national model of medical and genetic monitoring; a set of preventative measures within the population; analysis of aggressive environmental conditions and living environment; cost of living estimates; systems for managing loss risk factors.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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