Thermophysical features of nanostructured polymer system based on polyurethane


Davydenko V.V.ORCID, ,Syrovetz G.P.ORCID,


Polymer systems containing nanoparticles are new class of polymer composite materials. Polymer matrix filling influences on network polymer structure forming mechanism. The filler influence appears in formation features of the network structure both near the filler surface and in polymer matrix volume. Polymer solid surface (filler, substrate, etc.) interaction results in polymer chains movement restriction, that in fact is equivalent of additional polymer network physical knots formation. The polymer – filler interface presence may lead to both increasing of physical polymer knots average amount and decreasing it because of decreasing the polymer –polymer type physical bonds amount. This in turn determines strength of the polymer composite value. Polyurethane composite filled with different type of gypsum has been studied. The semi-aquatic gypsum (water suspension and dry powder) and two-aquatic gypsum water suspension were used as the filler. The polyurethane oligomer was used as reactive polymer matrix. Thermal-and-physical properties of polymer composites were studied by differential scanning calorimetry. It is found that the semi-aquatic gypsum does not transform in two-aquatic gypsum within polymer matrix during observation time. Evidently, the first – the polymer matrix doesn’t have continues pores and the second – the polymer matrix forms dense surface layer that hinders the diffusion of water vapor to the filler. Obtained polymer compositions glass temperature shows weak dependence on gypsum concentration and method of gypsum filling, but shows strong dependence on heating multiplicity. Polymer composition change in heat capacity upon glass transition value ∆Cp decreases with filler concentration increases and strongly depends on filling process. To obtain stable material properties the annealing of internal strength is needed to carry out. Key words: polyurethane composite, gypsum, thermal-and-physical properties.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka)

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