Influence of the model environment on the structure and properties of composite materials with doxorubicin based on polyurethanes with isocyanurate fragments


Kozlova G.A.ORCID, ,Rozhnova R.A.ORCID,Nechaeva L.Yu.ORCID,Galatenko N.A.ORCID,Primushko S.O.ORCID, , , ,


The influence of the BM 199 model environment on the structure and properties of composite materials with Doxorubicin based on polyurethanes (PU) with isocyanurate branching nodes, in which the content of 2,4,6-triisocyanate(trishexamethylene)isocyanurate (HDT-90) was 0.25.0 , 5, 0.75 mol, and the content of the drug Doxorubicin is 0.5% wt. It was found that the obtained materials exhibit the ability to biodegradation in vitro. In a study by IR spectroscopy of changes in the structure of polyurethane composites with Doxorubicin under the influence of BM 199, it was found that, in the series of polyurethanes, with an increase in the residence time in the model environment, a decrease in the number of weakly bound (νNH 3516 cm-1) and strongly bound bonds of NH groups ( νNH 3515 cm-1), which can occur both due to the biodegradation of the polymer base, and as a result of the release of Doxorubicin. For all the samples under study, during their stay in the biological medium, there is a decrease in the strength at break by 1.5-1.9 times and an increase in the relative elongation by 1.1-1.4 times. According to the data of physical-mechanical tests for all studied materials, the process of biodegradation in vitro is accompanied by an increase in elasticity during the entire study period. According to the results of the study of the dynamics release of Doxorubicin, it was found that from polyurethane composites with isocyanurate branching nodes containing 0.75 mol of HDT-90 in the structure, Doxorubicin is released within 21 days in an amount of 17.6%, which is 4 times more than for samples compositions with 0.5 mole of HDT-90, from which 4.4% of Doxorubicin is released, which may be related to the packing density of the macrochain of the polymer base. Composite materials based on polyurethanes with izocyanurate fragments and Doxorubicin can be proponated for medical and biological tests as material for stem implantation of tissue with prolong medicinal action.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka)

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