Radiohydrogeochemistry of catchment areas of the Chornobyl Exclusion zone


Shevchenko O.LORCID, ,Dolin V.V.ORCID,Orlov O.O.ORCID,Shabalin B.H.ORCID,Kirіeіev S.I.,Azimov O.T.ORCID,Akinfiiev H.O.,Nasedkin I.Yu.ORCID,Gudzenko V.V.,Perekheida V.V.ORCID,Charnyi D.V.ORCID, , , , , , , , , ,


The monograph represents the theoretically summarization of the experimental results obtained during 35-year studies of artificial radionuclides hydrogeomigration in geological and conjugated environment. Modern problems of radioecological monitoring are actualized. The processes of groundwater self-cleaning from radionuclides have been investigated and parameterized. A number of radio-ecological factors of artificial radionuclides biogeomigration in sub aquatic landscapes within the Ukrainian Polissia (Woodlands) have been identified, which determine the barrier functions of forestry-marsh biogeocenoses. Methodological and methodical approaches to the analysis of long-term monitoring observations within the catchment areas contaminated with radionuclides are considered. The main task of such studies is to establish the degree of barrier stability of the landscape complex of the catchment for water intake. The level of generalizations, local (close to the object), regional or global is substantiated by studies of the appropriate level, which should be started with the establishment of the share of secondary contamination of surface waters with radionuclides that is related to the implementation of the balance method. The methods of scientific analysis also include a variety of statistical methods aimed at identifying landscape and geochemical factors responsible for the deposition, migration, and assimilation of radionuclides within watersheds. The described factor selection procedure is the basis for predicting the concentrations and aqueous removal of radionuclides. On this basis, a forecast of radionuclide water migration for local and regional levels has been developed. Examples of the analysis of efficiency of the executed and substantiation of possible water protection and fire-prevention measures in the Chernobyl exclusion zone are presented. The monograph is designed for experts in the fields of radiogeochemistry, biogeochemistry, hydrology and hydrogeology, radioecology, agro-ecology, technogenic-ecological safety and security, conducting monitoring studies, as well as for students of natural specialties of higher education institutions.


PH "Naukova Dumka"

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