
Pushin V. F., ,Chernogor L. F.,


Purpose: The ionospheric channel is widely used for the communication, radio navigation, radar, direction finding, radio astronomy, and remote radio probing systems. The radio channel parameters are characterized by nonstationarity due to the dynamic processes in the ionosphere, and therefore their study is one of the topical problems of space radio physics and earth-space radio physics of geospace. This work aims at presenting the results of synthesis of temporal variations in the Doppler spectra obtained by the Doppler probing of the ionosphere at vertical and quasi-vertical incidence. Design/methotology/approach: One of the most effective methods of ionosphere research is the Doppler sounding technique. It has a high time resolution (about 10 s), a Doppler shift resolution (0.01–0.1 Hz), and the accuracy of Doppler shift measurements (~0.01 Hz) that permits monitoring the variations in the ionospheric electron density (10–4–10–3) or the study of the ionospheric plasma motion with the speed of 0.1-1 m/s and greater. The solution of the inverse radio physical problem, consisting in determination of the ionosphere parameters, often means solving the direct radio physical problem. In the Doppler sounding technique, it belongs with the construction of variations in Doppler spectra and comparing them with the Doppler spectra measurements. Findings: For the radio wave ordinary component, three echoes being produced by three rays are observed. Influence of the geomagnetic fi eld and large horizontal gradients in the electron density of δ≥10 % give rise to complex ray structures with caustic surfaces. The ionospheric disturbances traveling along the magnetic meridian form the skip zones. The longitudinal and transverse displacement of the ray reflection point attains a few tens of kilometers along the vil. Haidary to vil. Hrakove quasi-vertical radiowave propagation path, for which the great circle range is 50 km. For the vertical incidence, the signal azimuth at the receiver coincides with the traveling ionospheric disturbance azimuth. The synthesis of temporal variations in the HF Doppler spectra has been made and compared with the temporal variations in the Doppler spectra recorded with the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University radar. The estimate of δ=15 % obtained confirms the existence of large horizontal gradients in electron density. Conclusions: Temporal variations in Doppler spectra and in azimuth have been calculated for the vertical and quasi-vertical incidence with allowance for large horizontal gradients of the electron density caused by traveling ionospheric disturbances. Key words: ionosphere, Doppler sounding at oblique incidence, synthesis of temporal variations in HF Doppler spectra, traveling ionospheric disturbances, electron density


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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