Calculation of the changing cofficient of the folmerov diffusion of methane desorped from coal in the face area of the coal layer at great depths
Container-title:Geo-Technical Mechanics
Short-container-title:Geoteh. meh.
Minieiev Serhii, ,Prusova Alla,Yanzhula Oleksii,Sachko Roman,Minieiev Oleksandr, , , ,
An algorithm for calculating the Volmer diffusion coefficient of methane adsorbed in coal in the bottomhole zone of the formation to the maximum reference pressure is developed with taking into account the change in the Folmer porosity and the size of the space of this zone. The algorithm is based on the using of the exponential law of compression, which describes the structural changes in the reference pressure of the coal seam. This allowed us to determine the diameter of the Folmer pores in the study area depending on its stress state. Based on these data and the calculation of the exponential nature of the change in porosity, the regularity of the Folmer diffusion in the bottomhole region at its fixed length and initial porosity of coal is established. By using a method of step-by-step approximating the solution of this problem for different parameters, the research results are generalized to the existing ranges of change in the Folmer porosity of coal and the size of the bottomhole region of reference pressure in mining conditions at great depths. The functional approximation dependence is established, which allows to perform calculations of the Volmer diffusion coefficient of methane desorbed from the coal layer, with simultaneous change of two parameters - initial porosity of coal and distance between the bottom to the maximum reference pressure zone. Calculations showed that when reference pressure approached its maximum at a distance of up to 10 m from the face the coefficient of Folmer diffusion of methane in coal decreased slightly. In this case, there is a strong dependence of the Volmer diffusion coefficient on the diameter of the Folmer pores in the virgin coal layer. For example, when this diameter increases twofold - from 8 А to 16 А at the distance of 20 m from the face to a maximum reference pressure, the coefficient of Folmer diffusion increases by 1.5 times. That is, Folmer's diffusion is the most intensive in the disturbed zones of the coal layer. This can be the area of maximum reference pressure, if there is a zone of disintegration, or in that part of the face zone, which is characterized by the developed system of fractures. Key words: adsorbed methane, coal layer, face zone, Folmer pores, Folmer diffusion coefficient.
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)
Reference14 articles.
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