Geomechanical and geodetic methods of prediction of changes in the state of the geological environment in the mining region


Bubnova ОlenaORCID


The mining industry is one of the most destructive for the environment. The properties of rocks, the state of the natural complex, the relief, а surface and underground water regime change significantly around the deposit being developed, over a large area and at depth, which leads to the development of negative natural and technogenic processes, such as landslides, shifts, flooding, etc. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to develop forecasts of changes in the state of the geological environment for the early development and application of measures that will reduce the negative impact or even prevent the development of landslides and flooding. In the article, the main negative natural and technogenic processes developed in mining regions are discussed. It is noted that their development depends on the factors of all processes of mining production, their regime and capacity, as well as the state of the environment itself, which preceded the action of these processes. It is shown that the parameters of the interaction of different types of environments, as well as their mutual location, also affect changes in the state of the geological environment. It is noted that the areas of the primary disturbed environment for conditions of open development of the deposit, as well as the areas of technogenic environments are calculated during the design period of the development of the deposit. And the area of the secondary disturbed environment is individual for each object, it can be roughly calculated using the presented expressions. Since the behavior of changes in the geological environment at each of the deposits being developed is different and depends on many factors, it is proposed to perform forecasting using geomechanical modeling of the state of a complex system. Due to the fact that such forecasting requires a large amount of data, it is proposed to obtain them by geodetic methods, namely by performing lidar surveying, which will allow obtaining data not only on the position in space of all points of the research area, but also to assess the state of the territory itself, which is impossible with other geodetic methods. Keywords: forecasting, state change, environmental area, geodetic methods, quarry, dump, 3d model of the territory, lidar survey, modeling.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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