1. Mass Transfer by Laser-Generated Dislocations
2. P. Yu. Volosevich and A. E. Pogorelov, Poverhnost' (Fizika, Khimiya, Mekhanika), 9: 126 (1986) (in Russian).
3. L. N. Larikov, E. A. Maksimenko, and A. E. Pogorelov, Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 7, No. 2: 116 (1985) (in Russian).
4. A. E. Pogorelov, Napravlennyj Massoperenos v Fe i Al pri Impul'snom Lazernom Obluchenii (Thesis of Disser. for PhD) (Kiev: Institute for Metal Physics, Ukr.A.S.: 1985) (in Russian).
5. Mass transfer mechanism in real crystals by pulsed laser irradiation