Financial institutions and financial control


Khmelkov AndriiORCID,


The article points out that the institution of financial control has clearly defined limits of application in society, while the scope of its direct application is the formation, distribution and use of public finances. The author shows that the institution of control has a binary nature, whose consideration allows to distinguish between its formal and informal content and to find ways to improve the efficiency of its use. The informal content of the institution of control is related to the financial morality of society and its members, and the formal one — to the competence or practice of agents of the institution of control as its structural elements for the benefit of society in the form of financial gain. It is proved that the public utility of the institution of control is determined by the financial and institutional benefits of its operation. Based on the calculations, it is shown that the institution of control is in a state of dysfunction. The author proposed various ways to overcome the established dysfunction, in particular, are proposed – giving the institute control over the powers to prevent financial violations and to effect full compensation.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka)

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