Kushnir Anatolii,Leiberiuk Oleksandr
Today, the study of the development of Holocene nature and its individual components within the territory of Ukraine is quite active. The research results are reflected in dissertations and monographs as well as in numerous publications. But there is no separate generalizing scientific work linking all the available information. The aim of our work was the creation and maximum filling of the spatial database according to the results of paleosoil study of Holocene deposits of the plain territory of Ukraine on the basis of the conducted researches and to highlight perspectives of the development of such database. In the course of work an unified database of paleosoil researches of Holocene deposits of the territory of Ukraine was created. We used Opensource programs for the database creation. Some criteria for the implementation of the modern paleogeographic databases have been established. The attributive structure of the main paleosoil characteristics of the Holocene period has been formed and substantiated. The following blocks have been identified to characterize the paleosoil section as an object of study: 1) spatial reference (administrative, physical-geographical, geographical coordinates); 2) information about the study of the object (the name of the scientist and the year of study); 3) characteristics of the section (used research methods, type of modern and buried soil, thickness of the soil profile); 4) dating of deposits (paleogeographic and archaeological) 5) graphic materials; 6) references. The created database made it possible to determine the current state of paleosoil studies of the Holocene of the plain part of Ukraine in the territorial and chronological context, and also determined further perspectives for its development.
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)
History and Philosophy of Science,Management of Technology and Innovation,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,Earth-Surface Processes,Geography, Planning and Development
Reference17 articles.
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3 articles.