1. 1. Amosov N.M. Modelling of thinking and the mind. New York: Spartan Books, 1967, 192 p.
2. 2. Amosov N.M., Kasatkin A.M., Kasatkina L.M., Kussul E.M., Talaev S.A. Intelligent behaviour systems based on semantic networks. Kybernetes. 1973, Vol. 2, N 4, pp. 211-216.
3. 3. Amosov N.M., Kussul E.M., Fomenko V.D. Transport robot with a neural network control system. Advance papers of 4th Intern. Joint Conf. on Artif. Intelligence. 1975, Vol 9, pp. 1-10.
4. 4. Amosov N.M. Algorithms of the Mind. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1979, 223 p. (in Russian)
5. 5. Amosov N.M., Baidyk T.N., Goltsev A.D., Kasatkin A.M., Kasatkina L.M., Rachkovskij D.A. Neurocomputers and intelligent robots. Kiev: Naukova Dumka. 1991, 269 p. (in Russian)