Recognition of Handwritten Texts on Images Using Deep Machine Learning


,Snitko Marianna D.,Khitsko Iana V.ORCID, ,Rybachok Nataliia A.ORCID,


The article is devoted to the aspects of using deep machine learning to recognize handwritten text containing letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers. Software has been developed that recognizes handwritten text. A convolutional neural network consisting of 13 layers was trained for 50 epochs on images of 814255 characters taken from the EMNIST dataset. The prediction accuracy was 0.9468, the response rate was 0,9673, the F1-index reached 0,9429, and the average processing time of one image was 1,15 seconds.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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