The State of Art and Prospects Development for the Intelligent Information Technologies. To the 25th Anniversary of the International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies and Systems


Gritsenko Volodymyr I.ORCID,


Introduction. The International Research and Training Center was created 25 years ago as part of the Department of Informatics of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine in 1997. The principal lines of investigation of the International Center are information technologies and their applications. Information technology is a set of software and hardware tools that has effect data in order to obtain an end product that has the properties and capabilities to generate new knowledge and study complex phenomena and processes based on it. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the achievements of the International Centre over the 25 years, to show the current situation and prospects of its developments. Methods. The formation and development of the general theory of intelligent information technologies and their use in pattern recognition, complex investigation of the text and speech information, including the semantic processing, evaluation, understanding, reforming, reliability and fast search, are being carried out at the International Center. The priority areas of intellectualization of the digital economy, technologies for data mining, choice and decision-making, models of interaction between digitalization and informatization of society are being explored. Conceptual models of digital medicine are being developed. Results and Conclusion. The International Center has become a leading organization for the development of informatics and new intelligent information technologies and systems. His work is highly appreciated in the country and abroad. It should be noted the achievements of leading scientific schools, headed by prominent Ukrainian scientists, employees of the International Center: Academicians V.I. Skurikhin, O.H. Ivakhnenko, M.M. Amosov and O.O. Bakaev. Research and development programs and plans are innovative and focused on solving scientific and technological problems of intellectualization and digital transformation. These problems of global importance form the basis of the short-term program as well as the concept of development of the activities of the International Center.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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