
,Mishchenko O. V.ORCID


The purpose of the study is to conduct a spatial analysis of the sacred heritage of Ukraine. The following research methods were used in the work: structural-logical generalization and systemic analysis, which are used to study and generalize the types and variatons of sacred heritage, build a classification scheme, formulate the concepts sacred heritage, landscape-sacred monument of nature; statistical (standardization to the average value) for processing quantitative indicators collected as a result of the study; cartographical for visualization of the completed comprehensive assessment of the sacred cultural heritage of Ukraine; comparative-geographical for comparing the potential of sacred and cultural heritage of the regions of Ukraine. In the presented classification scheme, the sacral heritage of Ukraine is divided into cultural and natural, distinguishing types and species within these components. In the cultural component of sacred heritage, types (buildings, complexes, landmarks) and types (architecture and urban planning, history, monumental art, archeology) are highlighted. The natural component of heritage also includes types (springs, stone and rock objects, caves, burial sites with rare vegetation and plantations) and types (geological, hydrological, botanical, complex). A comprehensive assessment of the sacred cultural heritage of Ukraine was carried out and interpreted in the corresponding map. The highest value (5.34-2.01) of the standardized indicator of the number of sacred monuments is recorded in Dnipropetrovsk, Sumy, Kherson, and Kharkiv regions; in most regions of Ukraine, this indicator does not exceed 1. Examples of types and types of sacred natural heritage of Ukraine are given and their spatial location is substantiated. The novelty of the study consists in the author’s interpretation of the natural component of the classification scheme of the sacred heritage of Ukraine, the formulation of the interpretation of the term landscape-sacred monument of nature and the justification of the feasibility of its introduction to the types of natural monuments at the legislative level, conducting a comprehensive assessment of the sacred cultural heritage of Ukraine.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)

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