1. 1. Labor Code of Ukraine of 10.12.1971, No. 322-VIII. URL: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/322-08/page [in Ukrainian].
2. 2. Guide on employment policy and International Labour Standards. (2013). International Labour Office, International Labour Standards Department, Employment Policy Department. Geneva: ILO.
3. 3. Petrova, I.L. (Ed.). (2009). The Ukrainian labour market: features of the development and operational efficiency. Kyiv: Institute for Economics and Forecasting, Ukrainian National Academy of Science [in Ukrainian].
4. 4. Bandur, S.I. (2014). The development of social and labour relations as a prerequisite for the achievement of productive employment of the population. Rynok pratsi ta zainiatist naselennia, 1, 8-13 [in Ukrainian].
5. 5. Resolution concerning the measurement of underemployment and inadequate employment situations, adopted by the Sixteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (1998, October).