1. An Account of Assam (1927), J. P. Wade (com. 1800), Benudhar Sharma (ed.), published by R. Sarmah, North Lakhimpur.
2. Kamandakiya Nitisara: Or, The Elements of Polity (1896), Kamandaka (com. between 3rd and 7th CE), M. N. Dutt (transl.), Elysium Press, Calcutta.
3. Nitilatankur (1941), Bagis Sarma (com. around 1800s), Sarat Chandra Goswami (ed.), Department of Historical and Antiquarian Studies, Government of Assam, Guwahati.
4. Rajadhammasangaha (2004), U Hpo Hlaing (com. 1878), L. E. Bagshawe (transl.), available at: http://www.ibiblio.org/obl/docs/The_Rajadhammasangaha-print.pdf (accessed May 18, 2023).
5. Secondary sources