On the Peculiarities of Studying Unbound Excited States of 4He Nucleus by α + 3H Interaction


Povoroznyk O.M.,Gorpinich O.K.,Ponkratenko O.A.


Due to the alpha-particle beam interaction with tritium, the two-dimensional spectra of tt, t3He, and dd coincidences are obtained using the particle-decay spectroscopy from three-particle 3H(α,tt)p, 3H(α,t 3He)n, and 3H(α,td)d reactions (Eα = 67.2 MeV). Excitation energies and energy widths for seven excited 4He states, as well as the ratio of their different decay modes, namely t + p, n + 3He, and d + d, are obtained by using the Monte Carlo method.


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)


General Physics and Astronomy

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