COVID-19 has caused critical and serious breakdowns in social life within a few weeks leading to severe economic and social crisis all around the world. The precautions taken to prevent the spread of the disease extremely impacted the educational sector worldwide as the schools, colleges and universities had to close and shift to online teaching without necessary infrastructure. In line with this, COVID 19 has diverted the scholars and academicians’ focus and interest to the impact of pandemic on the stakeholders of education which led to a great number of scientific production in variety of fields and levels in order to investigate the threats and opportunities created by COVID-19 crisis. In this sense, the present study aimed to provide a systematic overview of the research studies in education during COVID-19 crisis in ERIC database and reveal the research interests during emergency remote teaching in the selected papers and expose the impact of rapid transition from face-to-face teaching to online remote education in Turkish educational context. Qualitative research approach was chosen as the methodological foundation for the study and descriptive and narrative literature review was employed as design. The data was analyzed through inductive coding process in which crucial themes, topics or models are extracted from the raw data through first-order or open coding that includes close review of the data by the researchers. The findings revealed that the studies generally discussed distance education during COVID-19 negatively concerning teaching and learning process, contextual factors and personal factors namely.
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