1. Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
The potential for halal cosmetics has increased from year to year. Halal cosmetics are a necessity. Strengthening the halal industry is one of the extensive foundations for Indonesia. Indonesia has the largest potential for halal products worldwide with an expenditure of 218.8 billion dollars in 2017. This value will have the potential to increase by six percent every year. However, this value only places Indonesia in 10th place worldwide, far from Malaysia. Malaysia is in the world position for the halal industry. The effect of halalan thoyyiban awareness on the younger generation in Indonesia, especially among students, remains unknown, so it is necessary to research to determine halal awareness level. It is decisive for strengthening the halal industry in Indonesia. The existence of halal cosmetics is indispensable for consumers to ensure that cosmetics are free from prohibited ingredients by religion and the process of making products that are not by Islamic religious principles. This study used data collection techniques on samples with particular characteristics (purposive sampling). The respondents were consumers who use cosmetics with the halal label and have made purchases more than three times at the same halal brand. The research sample consisted of one hundred people who use halal cosmetics in Indonesia. The research was conducted in April - August 2020 using an online questionnaire. The results showed the factors that influence the intention of purchasing halal cosmetics. Halalan thoyyiban awareness and behavioral control affected the intention to form halal cosmetics. There was a difference in results on subjective norms that have a weak influence on the intention to form halal cosmetics.
Journal of Halal and Ethical Research, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University