1. Abril Sánchez, Jorge. Life's a Dream [La vida es sueño]. Merle Reskin Theater, DePaul University. Comedia Performance 5.1 (2008): 217–22. Print.
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3. Bayliss, Robert. “Ancients, Moderns, and the Authenticity Issue in Comedia Performance Scholarship.” Comedia Performance 3.1 (2006): 121–45. Print.
4. Blanchard, Jayne. “‘Fever’ Spreads in the Boardroom.” The Washington Times. 18 June 2009. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jun/18/fever-spreads-in-boardroom/print/#ixzz28icb3RfR. Web.
5. Callaghan, Sheila. Fever/Dream. Washington, DC: Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, 2009. Print.