Jatoth Jithender,Mehar Arpan
The signalized intersections are essential nodes that directly affect the performance of the whole roadway network. The heterogeneous traffic at approaches signalized intersection makes traffic flow more chaotic. Evaluating the performance of signalized intersections is essential by taking queue length, PCU, delay, and capacity for improving the overall service quality. The guidelines followed in developed countries are not directly applicable in a country like India for practical evaluation of traffic operations. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze performance of intersections by making use of queued vehicles to develop PCU and delay models at signalized intersections in mixed traffic conditions. The present study analyzed queue length and developed a model to estimate PCU values, capacity, and delay by collecting field data from the approaches of signalized intersections in Warangal City using video graphic technic. The statistical distribution was carried out to show the significance of observed queue length, acceleration, and deceleration obtained from the field. Furthermore, new models proposed in the present study were also validated using field data, which confirms the successful validation of the models under mixed traffic conditions. The study recommends evaluating the level of service based on queue length and the proposed delay model at approaches of signalized intersections.
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