1. Izmir Katip Celebi University
Jaundice is a condition that results from an increase in bilirubin level in the blood. Its prevalence in newborns is around 60-70%. When this temporary jaundice becomes pathological and left untreated, significant damages may occur such as brain damage, vision loss, lung and kidney dysfunction, and even death. One of the methods used for the treatment of jaundice is phototherapy. In this study, a design has been made with 3 foldable LED panels to increase the target area. In addition, high-voltage LEDs with blue-green white wavelengths were used. Thus, it was aimed to minimize the risks of nausea and dizziness caused by intense blue light. An automatic system has been achieved by using temperature and light intensity sensors. The system will warn the user at temperatures and light intensity that are harmful to the baby.
Islerya Medikal ve Bilisim Teknolojileri
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