Fluctuating asymmetry of the Acer negundo L. leaf: an indicator of its state and the quality of the urban environment




1. Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Ezhevsky


The purpose of this study was to analyze the protective function of Acer negundo L. by assessing the indicators of developmental stability by fluctuating leave asymmetry depending on the value of the influence of anthropogenic factors. The materials were obtained from 25 test sites on areas that differed in the degree of road transport impact in 2018–2021 in Irkutsk. The values of the indicators of the developmental stability of each test site were determined as the average of the coefficients of fluctuating asymmetry, considering the eight characteristics of the leaves collected from them. These values indicate that A. negundo is sufficiently resistant to anthropogenic impacts, particularly the effects of emissions from road transport, compared with other types of phanerophytes involved in the landscaping of urbanized areas. The coefficient of weighted average of this indicator between sites in recreational areas and along highways was 1.33. The correlation coefficient between the values of development stability and the distance of growth of A. negundo from highways was r = –0.64±0.18, which confirms the average connection between these characteristics. Analysis of variance was used to assess the stability of tree development in four classes of traffic intensity (high, medium, low, and absent), determined through a correlation ratio, the level of which n = 0.70 demonstrates a high level of connection. To limit the implementation of A. negundo in the local flora, it is recommended that measures be gradually implemented to remove it from parks, squares, gardens, and adjacent territories, with the replacement of woody vegetation species that are well adapted to grow in these habitats.


Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


General Medicine

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