Translation and interpretation in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic


Šveda Pavol,Djovčoš Martin


The COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly had a significant influence on the translating and interpret­ing industry. Even while certain tendencies are now apparent, it will take some time to fully under­stand how profound and transformative the years of pandemic measures and social isolation were. This paper summarises findings from two surveys conducted among translators and interpreters in Slovakia. The first was conducted during the first wave of the pandemic and focused on the immediate economic and psychological implications of the first lockdown measures on the transla­tion community. Apart from measuring the changes in demand for services, the share of cancelled assignments and general mood among professionals, we have also enquired about the demand for remote interpreting. The proportion of those who encountered offers for remote interpreting nearly doubled in the six weeks after the introduction of the first lockdown measures in Slovakia (an increase from 18.75% to 39.69%). The second source of data is a survey of rates which already captures how much remote interpreting penetrated the structure of interpreting service one year after the onset of the pandemic. Based on our findings, the average number of remote interpreting days in 2021 was 67.53% of the total number of interpreting days. This rapid onset of remote inter­preting recovered demand for interpreting services as the volume of work began to catch up with pre-pandemic levels, but also brought a greater psychological burden and stress resulting from the different nature of remote interpretation.


University of Ljubljana

Reference21 articles.

1. Braun, Sabine. 2015. “Remote Interpreting.” In The Routledge Handbook of Interpreting, edited by Holly Mikkelson and Renée Jourdenais, 364–79. Oxon and New York: Rou¬tledge.

2. Braun, Sabine, and Judith L. Taylor. 2012. Videoconference and Remote Interpreting in Legal Proceedings. Antwerp: Intersentia.

3. Caniato, Andrea. 2021. 26 June.

4. Djovčoš, Martin, and Pavol Šveda. 2017. Mýty a fakty o preklade a tlmočení na Slovensku. Bratislava: Veda.

5. Djovčoš, Martin, and Pavol Šveda. 2021. “The Axis of Professionalization: Translators’ and Interpreters’ Market Behaviour and Its Factors in Slovakia.” Babel 67 (5): 533–52.







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