1. Chinese primary sources
2. Cheng, Hao 程顥, and Cheng Yi 程頤. 2004. Er Cheng ji 《二程集》 (Collected Works of the Cheng Brothers). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju.
3. Huang, Zongxi 黄宗羲. 2008. Mingru xue’an 《明儒学案》 (Survey of Ming Confucians). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju.
4. Ricci, Matteo. 2013. Le sens réel de “Seigneur du Ciel” 《天主實義》. Translated by Thierry Meynard. Paris: Les belles lettres.
5. Zhou, Dunyi 周敦颐. 2009. Zhou Dunyi ji 《周敦颐集》 (Collected Works of Zhou Dunyi). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju.