Assessment of Proximate and Physico-Chemical Potentials of Crude Kernel Oil Extracts of Canarium schweinfurthii Engl


M. Stephen Chomini,M. Junior Francis,Musa Ishaya,A. Emilia Chomini,M. Kalu Peter


The finite, depleting and unsustainable nature of fossil fuels remained a global concern. This had continued to stir up an urgent need to consider cheaper renewable and sustainable alternative. Consequently, the assay of proximate and physico-chemical potentials of crude kernel oil extracts of Canarium schweinfurthii Engl. was conducted. This was intended to evaluate the nutritional and some of the inherent biodiesel properties. The procedure according to Association of Official and Analytical Chemist (AOAC) were deployed to analyze the proximate, physico-chemical and fatty acids contents of the crude kernel oil extracted of the test plant. It was found that the oil sample of the test plant had 9.25±0.05% (moisture content), 6.10±0.09% (crude fiber), 23.62±0.02% (crude protein), 44.35 ±0.04% (crude lipid), 10.35±0.04% (ash) and 6.33±0.03% (carbohydrate). The physico – chemical assay of the oil revealed promising biodiesel properties with relative density (0.966±0.01g/cm3), refractive index (1.465±0.05 at 30°C), calorific value (38.93±0.13MJ/kg), viscosity value (150.1±0.70 mm2/s), saponification value (220.30±0.98 mgKOH/g), peroxide value (4.26 ± 0.08meq/Kg), acid value (2.49±0.04 mgKOH/g), iodine value (64.70±0.10 g/100g) and cetane number (56.52±0.68). Furthermore, 14-methyl Pentadecanoic acid, methyl ester (C17H34O2), 13,16-Octadecanoic acid, methyl ester (C19H34O2) and Heptacosanoic acid, methyl ester (C28H56O2) were the assayed fatty acids content of crude kernel oil extract of C. schweinfurthii. These had relative percentage abundance (RPA) of 25.80±0.04%, 67.60±0.30% and 6.60±0.03%. The findings clearly elucidated the biodiesel potential of the kernel oil sample of C. schweinfurthii and consequently recommended its incorporation. In this regard, it became imperative for concerted afforestation efforts that would guarantee its sustainable utilization.


Nigerian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference41 articles.







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