1. Andre, P. 1996, in ASP Conf. Ser. 93, Radio Emission from the Stars and the Sun, ed. A. R. Taylor & J. M. Paredes (San Francisco: ASP), 273
2. Anglada, G. 1995, in Circumstellar Disks, Outflows and Star Formation, ed. S. Lizano & J. M. Torrelles (Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrofis Ser. Conf. 1) (Mexico, D.F.: Inst. Astron, UNAm), 67
3. Anglada, G. 1996, in ASP Conf. Ser. 93, Radio Emission from the Stars and the Sun, ed. A. R. Taylor & J. M. Paredes (San Francisco: ASP), 3
4. A double radio source at the center of the outflow in L723
5. The unusual morphology of the high-velocity gas in L723 - One outflow or two?