1. Width cross-sections for collisional broadening of s–p and p–s transitions by atomic hydrogen
2. Avrett, E. H. 1985, in Chromospheric Diagnostics and Modeling, ed. B. W. Lites (Sunspot: NSO), 67
3. Avrett, E. H. & Loeser, R. 1992, ASP Conf. Ser. 26, Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun: Seventh Cambridge Workshop, ed. M. S. Giampapa & J. A. Bookbinder (San Francisco: ASP), 489
4. Avrett, E. H., Machado, M. E. & Kurucz, R. L. 1986, in The Lower Chromosphere of Solar Flares, ed. D. F. Neidig (Sunspot: NSO), 216