1. An Epidemic, Toxin Gene–Variant Strain ofClostridium difficile
2. SPARCS overview. New York State Department of Health website, http://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/sparcs/operations/overview.htm. Accessed September 12, 2011.
3. Medicare program; hospital inpatient prospective payment systems for acute care hospitals and the long-term care hospital prospective payment system and FY 2012 rates; hospitals' FTE resident caps for graduate medical education payment. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services website, http://www.naph.org/Main-Menu-Category/Our-Work/Safety-Net-Financing/Medicare/IPPS/FY2012-Final-IPPS-Rule.aspx?FT=.pdf. Accessed April 2, 2012.
4. Multidrug-resistant organism and Clostridium difficile infection (MDRO/CDI) module. National Healthcare Safety Network website, http://www.cdc.gov/nhsn/mdro_cdad.html. Accessed January 10, 2012.