1. Late in the course of writing this article I found that Ufki's authorship of the Epitome had previously been conjectured by C. Callmer in his edition of Diarium under resa till Konstantinopel 1657-1658, Stockholm, 1963, p. 212, as noted by B. Brendemoen, `Some Remarks on Claes Brodersson Rålamb and His Contemporaries', in Turcica etOrientalia: Studies in Honour of Gunnar Jarringon on His Eightieth Birthday 12 October 1987, ed. U. Ehrensvärd, Stockholm, 1988, pp.9-18(15). I acknowledge Callmer's primacy but hope to establish the case more conclusively here. I note also that Callmer's suggestion was made in the context of research onClaes Rålamb (on whom see
2. Feingold, `Isaac Barrow' (as in n. 1), pp.51-52.