Project-based language teaching emerged as a learner-centred approach that sustains learning by doing. Although the related research documented the effectiveness of Project-based learning in foreign language instruction, little has been found to evince the perceptions of language teachers about using PBL in teaching EFL. This study aims to investigate the perceptions of EFL teachers on using PBL in English instruction in the Turkey context. For this aim, 77 EFL teachers working at state schools in Turkey voluntarily participated in the study. The data were collected from an online form involving a 16-item questionnaire with open-ended and closed-ended questions. The findings were analysed through quantitative analysis and thematic analysis. The study revealed that most of the teachers were not familiar enough to use PBL in EFL instruction. Moreover, the results yielded reasons for preferring or not preferring PBL in EFL classes. Based on the findings and the implications, suggestions were provided.
Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli Universitesi SBE Dergisi
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