The paper presents studies conducted to determine physicochemical parameters such as Cr, Ni, Mo, Cu,
Zn, Ca2+, Mg2+, Br2, P, CaCO3, pH, Ec, TDS in mineral water (borcut) from Vișeu de Sus, Valea Peștilor. The
experimental determinations were carried out using the Nikel Low Range Photometer, the Photometer for Boilers
and Cooling Towers HI83305, as well as specific photometers for the proposed determinationswithin the study. The
obtained results are: 4 μg/L Cr6+; 10 μg/L CrO4
2- and 9 μg/L Cr2O7
2-; 0.327 mg/L Ni, 0.1 mg/L Mo6+, 0.308 mg/L
Cu, 1.06 mg/L Zn, 170 mg/L Ca2+, 52 mg/L Mg2+, 0.13 mg/L Br2, 0.2 mg/L P, 364 mg/L CaCO3, pH = 7.05 at
21.90C, EC = 1.99 and TDS = 1 ppt. Groundwaters are more mineralized than surface waters, and the deeper the
water layer, the higher the degree of mineralization; the solubility of heavy metals depends on soil acidity, and for
ions with the same valence, the retention energy increases with atomic mass.
Technical University of Cluj Napoca, North University Center of Baia Mare
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