Aspectual pairs: Prefix vs. suffix way of formation


Solovyev Valery DmitrievichORCID,Bochkarev Vladimir VladimirovichORCID,Bayrasheva Venera Rustamovna


In linguistic theory, there is no common point of view on the question of whether verbs in aspectual pairs are in inflectional or derivational relations. At the same time, the prefix and suffix methods of forming aspectual pairs are contrasted in this respect. The publications (e.g. Janda Lyashevskaya 2011) pointed out the need to develop new quantitative approaches to this aspect of the text corpus. We propose two new approaches that compare the quantitative characteristics of aspectual pairs of both types. One approach is based on the Google Books Ngram corpus and analyzes the dynamics of the frequency of the use of words in pairs. The aspectual pairs from the databases created by Janda and Lyashevskaya are considered. For a numerical assessment of the degree of proximity of the frequency graphs, the Pearson correlation coefficients were used. The second approach introduces a numerical characteristic of the semantic proximity of verbs in pairs using modern computer methods. Semantic proximity of verbs is calculated as a standard cosine measure between vectors representing the compatibility of the considered verbs in the corpus. Several computer models and text corpora are considered. Both proposed approaches did not reveal significant numerical differences in semantic proximity between verbs in aspectual pairs with prefix and suffix pairing. This is in good agreement with the results of an early study by Janda and Lyashevskaya (2011). Together with the results of this work, our research shows that the suffixal and affixal ways of forming aspectual pairs have an equal status in terms of their classification as inflectional or derivational.


Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics

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