Modern Theory of Creep of Reinforced Concrete


Beglov Alexander D.ORCID,Sanjarovskiy Rudolf S.ORCID,Ter-Emmanuilyan Tatyana N.ORCID


The important features of the theory of creep of reinforced concrete, identified and published earlier, are explored. The creation and development of the theory of creep of reinforced concrete is based on non-scientific principles take from systems of classical mechanics that do not correspond to this theory. A detailed analysis of the theory used in many countries was performed, while five oversimplifications were identified that reject fundamental experiments, Eurocodes, rules of mathematics and mechanics: listed in the law of creep, oversimplifications that grossly distort the calculation results, not only the deformations themselves, but also subsequent methods for calculating reinforced concrete structures. These include: unnecessarily modified classical Hooke’s law; imposing a property missing from concrete - an algebraic measure of creep; erroneous superposition principle; use of viscoelastic deformations instead of instantaneous nonlinear plastic deformations; replacement of obvious - nonlinear and non-stationary properties of concrete with linear ones, distorting the qualitative side of phenomena inherent only in nonlinear systems. These errors are covered by unreasonable safety factors, which undermines the economic component of the problem, and of the enormous volumes of reinforced concrete used throughout the world, the analyzed unscientific theory of its calculation causes enormous economic damage in global construction.


Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

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