Finite Element for the Analysis of Massive Reinforced Concrete Structures with Cracking


Agapov Vladimir P.ORCID,Markovich Alexey S.ORCID


The solid finite element has been developed for the calculation of massive reinforced concrete structures with cracks. When constructing a finite element in the compression-compression-compression mode, the Willam Warnke failure criterion was used. The tensile behavior of concrete was assumed to be linear before the crack initiation. Modern building codes require non-linear calculations of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, taking into account the real properties of concrete and reinforcement. In this regard, a technique has been developed and a solid finite element has been built, adapted to the PRINS software, which makes it possible to perform calculations of massive reinforced concrete structures, taking into account their actual work. Development of a method for calculating reinforced concrete structures under conditions of a three-dimensional stress state, taking into account the brittle fracture of compressed concrete and cracking in tensile concrete. Based on this technique, the implementation of a solid finite element in the PRINS software. To verify the developed finite element, a series of test calculations of a beam under three-point bending conditions was carried out. Comparison of the calculation results with the data of experiments by the authors confirmed the high accuracy and reliability of the results obtained. The developed solid finite element included in the PRINS software can be effectively used by engineers of design and scientific organizations to solve a wide class of engineering problems related to the calculations of massive reinforced concrete structures.


Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

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